What are y'all playing? ver 2.0


I don’t like the new Triss… i don’t know which of her three incarnations is closer to the original text but man they’re all very different from each other.

Also lol at Letho out of nowhere.



I played through the story mode of Entwined (PS4) and twirling your thumbs back and forth isn’t exciting for nine levels.


It’s not really in the spirit of this thread, but I was listening to last week’s giant bombcast and I decided to uninstall Fallout Shelter. I already have my forever games in Hearthstone and LLSIF.


Rocket League is surprisingly awesome. Its predecessor didn’t click with me at all.


Everyone’s raving about it.


It’s been too long since I played video games. I’m trying to make up for it for the past week or so.

Firstly I continued a bit with Blue Dragon and Shadow Complex on the Xbox 360. The former I’m nearing the end and can go to the last dungeon. Still doing some optional dungeons at the moment. Once you get hold of a ship, the game becomes fun to explore. The later is an xbox live game and plays like a 2D castlevania or Metroid, only with Drake voice actor, western style and 2,5 graphics. It’s not bad and quite fun. Although it is pretty solid, gameplay wise it does not reach the quality of 2D aformentioned games. It copies them too much with pretty graphics but less responsive controls.

Then I decided to take a brake from them and start on some new games. I went and tried a couple of minis games (remember, minis on the PSP). They are:

I was actually having fun with this. It’s a bit like mana games but with more stats and a quest system. The game crashed after 4 hours. Apparently the game does that a lot. I didn’t feel like dealing with it, so it was deleted. NEXT!

A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks
A 2D shmup game, kinda, with a character that doesn’t know when to shut up. I kept dying with the first boss fight for some reason. I would have tried to beat it some more but the game didn’t really seem worth it. I might give it a chance someday but it has been deleted for now.

Forest Puzzle
It’s a topdown perspective 2D game where you control a character that is trying to reach the exit and avoid monster, zombies or whatever those things are. The game is not too bad…but it’s not special either. Also all the missions have a medal system that is tied to how quick you are. Lots of trial and error and wasting time to 100% everything. It didn’t really seem worth it either so I decided to quit. Maybe it will get a second chance in the future.

Arctic Adventures
Another puzzle game only in 3D, higher production values and nice music. I was enjoying the game up to a certain point. After 13 puzzles (out of 50) the puzzles start to drag on. The area is huge and and the puzzles take a long time to clear. It’s the kind of game where you take a long time to clear a puzzle and lots of trial error too. While the rest was good, I really didn’t feel like it with the way the puzzles are. I quit and might continue with it when I’m done with other and more interesting games.

Blimp and the flying Adventures
The only completed minis game, yay!!! I really liked the style of this one. A lot of attention was given to the 2D graphics, soundtrack and the gameplay being something unique. You control a flying vehicle in a weird way to collect soldiers and destroy ships. I liked it but the last mission was frustrating on hard. Even on easy it was bullshit.

I’m currently busy with this one. It’s a 2D puzzle slach platformer where you control a square through black and while levels…kinda! At first I was like what’s the point? But the puzzles are pretty genius. Every level (46 in total) brings new gameplay and makes you think how it was thought pretty well. I should have about 8 levels left.

Archibald’s Adventures
Another 2D puzzle and slash platformer only you control a character with a skateboard and it feels more like a platformer. There are over 200 levels but the levels are very short, making it a game to always come back to and play it in short bursts. I like this game and the way the puzzles have been designed. The graphics also have a nice charm to them.

I don’t know but it seems that I’m getting more impatient with games lately. It has become easier for me to drop games and continue with the ones that grab my attention only. Before I always told myself to finish most if not all games. It feels good to play the games that grab me and drop the ones that don’t quickly.

There are other games I have been playing on other systems. Expect a part 2 soon.


Part 2 focuses on less games but ones that take more time to complete and ones of higher quality.

Pokemon Sapphire (GBA)
That’s right, it’s Pokemon time! For a while I have been itching to play a Pokemon game, especially because I have only completed one (Blue) and have gotten most of the main ones.

Pokemon Sapphire is a game that I’ve played before years ago. It was the one that made me think Pokemon games had something that didn’t click with me. Also I was playing it differently back then. Trying to catch every single Pokemon and grinding often. It made the game tedious, boring and too easy.

This time I’m doing it differently. I decided to only catch Pokemon that looks appealing and one of every type to create a balanced team. I’m not grinding either. In fact, I am avoiding the grass as much as possible. It has made the game more exciting with its challenge. Most Trainers have Pokemon that are stronger than me. It makes strategy a must and items being useful.

This time I got to appreciate the new additions in comparison to Red and Blue. Besides the graphics, the game has some neat little touches like Pokemon having traits and passive skills. This makes every Pokemon unique even if you catch the same one again. Contests are fun little distractions. Berry and items that Pokemon can carry with them adds more to the gameplay. You have secret hideouts to decorate and two different bikes to choose from.

One complaint I have would still be how slow the game is. When you water the plants or when you are fighting and have to read the same text about weather changes…I hope Pokemon Alpha Sapphire is a bit more snappy. It’s going to be fun comparing the remake with the GBA one.

James Pond 2 (PS1/PSP)
It was released before on the megadrive. Not sure if this is a remake or a port but you can tell it’s an old game with its style and mechanics. It reminds me a bit of that Mickey game on the megadrive.

It’s a platformer that confused me with its structure at first. You play levels in one go and then you are asked to save after completing them. Then you play the next world with its own set of levels. There is a boss fight after 2 worlds. You have to collect objects in every level in order to advance further and there is a secret level or mini-game after every level where you collect highscores with a timer.

The jumping is very floaty and the jumps are high but you can control where you land. Also the character can be stretched. The style has a very christmas feel to it. So far I am enjoying the game. I was running through the worlds after getting used to the controls. Lifes and health are scattered all over the place. It seems like a pretty short game. I only started with it yesterday and might be halfway through.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U)
This is not a new game but it has been ages since I played with it. I was worried that I had to get used to the game again but it didn’t take long. Fighting bosses and dodging their attacks with good timing felt very satisfying. Especially after preparing for these missions with the right equipment, weapon and food.

So to recap, the games I will busy with for the next period:

  • Blue Dragon (doing optional content, near the end)
  • Shadow Complex (about 70-80% done with it)
  • Edge (8 more levels, 46 in total)
  • Archibald’s Adventures (Still very early, maybe 35 levels cleared out of 200)
  • Pokemon Sapphire (6 badges out of 8)
  • James Pond 2 (about 50%)
  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (MH games tend to be long, I’ve put 40 hours into it, about to unlock 5 star missions)


Ah, I was wondering why you were playing the GBA version. I still feel like you should get the other version when you move onto 3DS, if only to see the other version of the “big thing” that happens towards the end of that game.


Yeah, the new omega/alpha games were really good. I highly recommend it once you’re on a 3DS.


Wizards of the Coast decided to not release all of the cards for Magic Duels: Origins and the more powerful cards are restricted. With only one partial card set there aren’t many viable combinations for competitive decks. I’m still missing about half of the cards but I have most of my deck archetypes ready. I don’t think I will play this for that much longer unless they release new content.


Holy hell, Yennefer is definitely a handful. I have to wonder whether that’s farce on her part because she’s accompanying Geralt and in some way toying or enjoying the freedom of intimacy or if she’s actually seriously egomaniacal. I decided not to romance her. At that point i was a bit torn, there seemed to be some deep need in her that was stronger than her ego (as is often the case), but i did not think it would be honorable to stay with her out of pity, nor do i think she would like it. But then again… pity on my part, not Geralt’s, because had i chosen so he would actually be very much in love with her. Of all the moments in the game where i feel a discomfort between what Geralt would want and what i would want, this was probably the most uncomfortable. There was no questioning, there was no “Geralt probably doesn’t like yadda yadda”, nothing to go on other than what i’d already said to her (annoyment and “goddamnit woman” for the most part) and the scripted flirting. And now that i think about it… Yen probably doesn’t have any friends at all. Man, i feel bad for having rejected her. With Triss it was such a simple affair, she was a nice, strong, humble person. Yen is a much more complicated affair. Dang…

Meanwhile Talos Principle is trying real hard to give me an existential crisis. While i don’t particularly feel like it has achieved much if anything at all on that part, i’m amazed at how complex the game turned out to be, and how frequently it goes out of its way to explore itself in a way that is probably unique in the medium. The game is dense with religious iconography and metaphors, and it wasn’t until recently that i noticed that it literally is about god and the serpent of knowledge, but both characters interpreted in a… slightly wrong way, as if the characters in the game knew very well that they were impersonating god and the serpent, and are trying their best (each clearly thinks that they are portraying the role that benefits them the most), but not exactly managing to do their jobs. Elohim quite obviously doesn’t really do a good job in hiding what’s going on, though to be fair he’s mostly trying to convince you that resisting the temptation to learn what’s behind the curtain is precisely the strong and courageous thing to do, so not leaving anything to make you doubt would leave him without any potential, legitimate influence in you. And the serpent, Samsara i think is its name, keep trying to prove you wrong in obviously simplistic ways that often fail to actually address your answers to its questions, and is honestly a bit of a tsundere. Like “hey, not that i care or anything, but you just got admin clearance i guess”. But even the main character, the robot you’re playing as, quickly notices that he’s a bit of a dick trying to one up you for no reason at all and soon starts to become annoyed as well.

It’s all very cool and satisfying to consider. I really, really like the idea of an AI that, in its fear of loneliness decided to play god and hopefully convince as many as possible to stay with it for as long as possible. Very existential.


Nick, do you mean get the other version Ruby or just the 3DS version? I have Alpha Sapphire for a while on the 3DS.

I’m not sure if it’s clear from the way I worded my text, I did not complete Sapphire on the GBA the first time. I left it after 10 hours. Me not clearing games and leaving them after a couple of hours happened a lot in the past. I don’t like leaving games unfinished, especially ones that are good and are essential to play.

There are other reasons why I would want to play the GBA version before the 3DS one. First being having the habit of playing games in the order they were released, just to see the way the series have evolved and how they get better with each release (you guys already know this). My second reason is…I LOVE playing an OG version and then playing a remake. I LOVE comparing the versions and see how different a remake feels. Especially when games change from 2D to 3D.

The remakes being good sounds like music to my ears. I do remember the demo being less tedious on the 3DS.


Oh. I’d assumed you were planning to beat it on GBA and that you hadn’t bought any version on 3DS yet. I guess it doesn’t matter then.


I am planning on beating it on the GBA and the remake once I get around it. I also have Pokemon Y (and Platinum, and White 1 and 2 and Heartgold and Fire Red and spin-offs…)

I am playing the GBA game a second time after leaving it for years.


I haven’t played a Pokemon game since Red. :<


This is something many have experienced. Are you planning on playing a Pokemon game in the future?


I would like to. Maybe I’ll start HeartGold/SoulSilver soon. I own most of them, lol. I think the only one I don’t own is the original Gold/Silver, but I have the remake. I forget if I have HeartGold or SoulSilver.


Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (iOS) is like XCOM but in a more interesting universe.


Big words arch. Big words. Talk to me. Is it actually good?


It’s a turn-based strategy game just like XCOM. You have a squad with up to five Space Marines, each with a different set of special attacks and passive buffs. There is plenty of equipment variety.

Each turn you have 4 action points to spend. With most weapons that means that you can fire up to four times which makes the combat very different from the XCOM series. You will spend more time shooting aliens and less time running around the map looking for new targets. There is also an Overwatch mechanic that allows you to fire on the opponents, during their turn, with any remaining AP (costs 1 AP to activate).

Both visuals and audio are great, although there isn’t much variety. You’ll replay the same maps and kill the same enemies over and over again.

Every now and then you unlock a card pack with 1 new Space Marine and 2 equipment pieces. You also get a new equipment piece every time you beat a mission. If you are impatient then you can also spend money on booster packs to unlock things faster.

In the end, good strategy trumps rare gear. If you place your guys in good positions then you will have no trouble slaughtering hoards of Tyranids. Compared to the other 40K games I’ve played, this feel more like you are a small elite unit that is capable of tackling any threat.

I’m up to Act III and I’m already looking forward to replaying the game on higher difficulty. It’s the best €5 I’ve spent all week.

If you want more details, click on the links below.
