It’s spring, which means it’s time for a new RPG from Gust. Today I received my copy of Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea.
What are y'all playing? ver 2.0
Okay? is a pretty neat puzzle game for iOS. You have to bounce a ball on all the objects to clear the level. It’s perfect for when you only have two minutes to play something. Also, it’s free (or rather pay what you want).
Finally reached the 1 million user mark in Love Live School Idol Festival! Also it was one of the best girl’s birthday (the other is Hanayo) so free love gems! I didn’t even have to spend any this event because it was the dumb “looks like a child” character’s event.
I beat Tales of Symphonia. Mithos was very easy to kill. I started the sequel, Dawn of the New World. They did a major overhaul in graphics, character/city design and menus. I’m assuming this game’s budget wasn’t high because there’s not a 3D world to run around in. It’s a map and you point the cursor to a location you want to travel to. Hopefully I don’t burn myself out on the Tales series because I intend to play through more Tales games after DOTNW. I have Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Graces F, Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2 to play.
Symphonia has been the only tales game I’ve managed to finish. Very fond memories.
I’m playing Final Fantasy XIV right now. I just finished up in a massive FATE grinding party. This one guy was coordinating it all smoothly. I gained like four levels. I’m now a level 40 dragoon. I already have a level 50 paladin, but I got tired of playing as a tank, so I switched to DPS.
I already posted that I played the Final Fantasy XV demo in the FFXV thread. It shows promise. I had fun with it.
I started Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. I’m on chapter 2. Nearing the part that I stopped playing at in the PSP version. I want to note that in this version, there’s an awful motion blur effect when you rotate the camera around. It gives you a slight headache. It’s not enough to stop playing, but still annoying. It’s a lot more enjoyable to use the battle system because it’s on a console now. You have a better controller to use and a larger screen to play it on. For those alone, it’s a far better experience.
Lately I’ve mostly been playing Chaos Rings II. It’s not great, but I want to get to the end so I can move on to something else. It suffers from the same issue as the first game. The vast majority of all skills are useless and the most effective way to play it seems to be to only use attack/heal and keep an eye on the elemental rock/paper/scissor weakness system. No thought has been put into the equipment system either. Equipping the latest drops/treasures is always the way to go.
I installed that during the weekend. It went a lot smoother than what I’m used to from playing around with Elder Scrolls mods.
I’ve been playing a lot of Pillars of Eternity. It’s actually the first game of its kind that i’ve stuck with. If i had a cent for every time i’ve tried to play Torment but could not handle the impenetrable UI… i’d probably have like 4 cents. Pillars is pretty fun. I’m really enjoying the story and the quests. The lore is not especially excellent but the game’s subject matter adds a lot to the texture of the world, a very satisfying mixture of weird and predictability with a couple of surprises here and there. The divinity part of its lore is… unsatisfying. Especially coming from Inquisition, which has a very nice theology. Pillars’ is classic dense fantasy deity stuff with nothing out of the ordinary. It is nevertheless curious to see how each character relates to its own deity, and inlore specific events involving the presence of gods. I guess saying more would spoil the more interesting bits about the story. The one complaint i have is that i’m simply not smart enough for some of the writing. It’s somewhat impenetrable in its own right, particularly the two companions written by Chris Avellone. They are really something else. The core theme of the game is very apt for complex conversations and puts a nice twist on how to experience the story of certain characters but jesus baloney sometimes it’s like this world has its unique writing style that i spend more time decoding than reading. There is, all things considered, a pleasure in the struggle. It is as if in some weird way i am being forced to see these characters through a lens of my own, understanding some things here and there but never having the whole picture, making it a very personal affair. Though i can’t be sure if this was the intended effect.
I’m playing on easy so i can’t really speak for the combat, though it seems to be a very competent system i guess. The battles can go very quickly and very cleanly if you actually plan them out, though that requires a degree of knowledge with genre specific nomenclatures that i’m just not very versed in. I’m having my fun, regardless, it’s not much of a challenge and i’m not exactly punished for using companions that suck at fighting but have the best narratives.
Anyway if you want spoilers here you have them. The story is that you can read souls, for example dead souls that linger without moving on, soul memories that for some reason have imprinted themselves onto the physical world, but more interestingly you can see what someone’s soul has done in past lives, linking a shitton of epochs into any one character. Moreover you are also “awakened”, which means that you can see you own past lives, which is used not just as a reason to keep on truckin but also to intelligently explore the backstory of your soul which is a matter deeply interconnected with the people you’re trying to find. The game does a very nice job of exploring the depth of this subject and how it shapes the people who have to experience the ordeal of knowing their past deeds, and sometimes even being possessed by their past incarnations. Like there’s talk of people who always remember their past lives and who spend centuries carrying out their evil plans through multiple lives. It’s really nifty.
I have the same issue with UI in older PC RPGs like Planescape: Torment.
This morning I finished Chaos Rings II and now I’m trying out a fun brain training app called Elevate. I’m not going to pay the high subscription fee, but it seems to offer plenty of free content.
All joking aside, I’ve been really really wanting to play this game as well. It looks incredible. I too, could never play the classics like Torment or Baulder’s Gate due to their UI, graphics, age, general clunky-ness, etc. But I’ve played NWN 1 & 2 and Fallout 1 & 2, so that kind of counts.
Probably going to pour over some character creation videos at work later.
Normal mode is severely unadvised for new players in the dang difficulty selection menu >_>
Rolling a rogue elf btw, dual wielding. No one cares that i’m an elf :\ or maybe i just haven’t reached the elf city… i was hoping for some harcore elf roleplaying.
The denizens of PoE are a very progressive peoples. You won’t find a lot of racism here.
This helps to lay out the fantasy aspect, for me.
i just finished the second act and this post made me literally laugh irl
i can see you’re going to love it!