What are y'all playing? ver 2.0


For some reason I pictured Blue Dragon was trying to be a DQ game. I remember reading about it being the answer to DQ and being hyped as such. I heavily disagree after playing the game extensively. You mentioning FFV is exactly what I thought about. BD is like pre-FFVII, very snes influenced with pretty graphics. Lost Odyssey is like PS era FF.

I’ve played more of the game since my last impressions, they remain largely the same. While I’m getting more excited for the encyclopedia aspect of it and making the characters stronger, the familiarity and structure is leaving me thinking it’s too predictable. I’ve played over 11 hours now and it’s weird to feel conflicted like that. I feel positive at the same time :confused:

And yeah, it felt a bit like DBZ. Besides the art and the tone, it’s the main character Shu, he’s loud and feels like Goku a bit. Jiro is a tiny bit like Vegeta. Kluke has some of Bulma. Ehhh, maybe it’s just the art and tone after all XD Also isn’t it funny that a bunch of kids are acting like adults? I know it happens with most RPGs but here it feels more apparent. Their way of thinking and behaviour doesn’t strike me as kids. Aren’t they like 12 in the game?


OMG fuck the Red Mage >_>


But just think of how great it’ll be once you beat him. That job is so OP.


Far Cry 4 has probably the single most toxic case of split-identity I’ve ever seen in a video game, outside of missions, it’s one of the most singularly free and flexible games of 2014 in approach, however you want to do something, you can probably do it - but on the other side of the coin, its missions are INCREDIBLY restrictive, chock full of incredibly arbitrary points of failure, and while open, often with only a few viable paths, it’s two different games occupying the same space - and the major point of frustration becomes coming from the really flexible, fluid methods you tend to take on during roaming gameplay carry over to the strict often ‘you’re seen and dead or more likely facing a ‘failure’ screen’ (hm, remind anyone of another ubisoft franchise…) the problem is taken seperately both sides are quite well put together but you have a game that encourages on thing, then consistently punishes you for doing so in its more ‘designed’ gameplay elements. Somehow though, I still love it.


I’ve reached the 15 hours mark with Blue Dragon and am about to finish disc 1. Here are some notes about the game’s performance that was apparent from the start.

  • While battles are quick, there are framerate drops when characters are about to attack. Although it’s not game breaking, it is there.
  • The graphics have weird small black dots all over the place. I’m not entirely sure what those are but I’m guessing it’s because the game has low native resolution while the console is trying to upscale the resolution to 1080p? I find this to be more distracting than framerate drops during battles.
  • Once you select English or Japanese dubs, you can’t change them anymore. You can only do that during new game.

Btw, the game has a ridiculous amount of objects to inspect 0_0


I was browsing the PSN store last night and discovered that there are like 8 free DLC items for Driveclub. The remaining tour expansions are also very affordable. Now that I’m starting to do alright with the faster cars I’m going to keep playing it for a long time.


I also played P.T. for ten minutes. Next time, I’ll boot it up when there is daylight outside. Maybe I should borrow a fluffy kitten too.


I tried to watch Jeff Green play P.T. and couldn’t even handle more than five straight minutes of it. Can you imagine if it had VR support? People would literally die.


It absolutely nails the mood.

Oh, and I also completed InFamous: First Light yesterday. It’s really good and you should definitely download it if you are a PS+ subscriber.



Yep, I didn’t even get that far.


My friends and I played through it together. After playing through Outlast and its DLC, you get desensitized to this kind of thing.

Can not wait for the full game, though.




Gyakuten Kenji 2
Ace Attorney Investigations 2
the one that didn’t get translated officially but is fan translated now

its pretty great so far.
going back from the 3d dual destinies to this makes me miss a few improvements they made, but nothing major.

It still makes me laugh that edgeworths ‘power’ is logic and not magical in some way, the side characters are exactly like in this comic:


Same, we couldn’t even complete the demo. We got stuck near the end but it seemed really nice. It would be an ideal game to play with a second person, preferably one that is scared and needs protection :3


We had to look online how to get to the trailer, how to beat the final ‘puzzle’. it’s stupidly obtuse.



GTA on the new consoles is absolutely nuts!

And so is the Red Mage! Jesus, Revenge is completely unfair, what an op job.


Wait, are we talking about Default now? Or is Red Mage a new game?


See? I told you.


Ok we’re talking about BD