Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind


Dems the words of someone that does curr.


when my brother was like ā€œeveryone diedā€, but you could tell he knew they really didnā€™t, itā€™s all i needed to know about that movie


SpongeBob dies


Iā€™d watch another Black Panther. Might even go back and watch Ant Man since I heard Edgar Wright was involved. I have my doubts that Avengers is so good people are seeing it twice.


Ant Man is more comedic than the other superhero movies. I enjoyed it.


Vision was robbed.


Have you seen Thor: Ragnarok?


Yes, its tone is similar to the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Itā€™s a great movie on its own, although it doesnā€™t fit in with the first two movies. I also take issue with how it portraits Norse gods.


How have you all been? I missed this place. Good to see itā€™s still up and running. Iā€™ll post more often again.


Well, Iā€™ve been waiting forever for a new anime thread.


Shoot. Maybe Iā€™ll have to do one then.


working on dying


Iā€™m on parental leave for another three months. My challenges are very different from what Iā€™m used to.


switched from chrome back to ff and the only thing i miss is the imgur add on that uploads stuff to my imgur account and not anonymously


Got the worst sunburn of my life (partner says I look like a semaphore lol). Guess I need to be more diligent with sunscreen lol.


Click my avatar.


You could click mine as well. :stuck_out_tongue:




now to get this place popping again

