What are y'all playing? ver 2.0


damnit, i knew toku would never reply to me

i just knew


Iā€™ve been okaying Sunless Sea and Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Theyā€™re both very interesting games! Sunless Sea is, for the unaware, a sort of roguelite CRPG about navigating an underwater sea, fighting crabs and visiting weird ports. Itā€™s, so far, VERY well written. Thoroughly heavy and dense with atmospheric design, from the UI to the sheer weirdness of the places you encounter, to the deeply melancholic soundtrack that pretty much defines the british, industrial and maritime themes of the game. Lots of smart designs all around, especially how youā€™re almost always in contact with something you donā€™t really understand. Characters make weird demands, items have really weird names, seemingly everything can make you more terrified, and the isolation of living deep inside a cave permeates every port you can visit. I havenā€™t been making a lot of progress because the game really is kinda scary to play, things can be going well and instantly go bad because you forgot to avoid the fog.

Shadowrun is pretty muchā€¦ what it looks like. Adventury with SRPG combat. Iā€™m feeling kinda overwhelmed because the lore of the franchise seems very dense and i donā€™t quite understand how things work as of right now. Really loving it though, the writing is very nice, the cyberpunk stuff is all VERY cool, and the art is fantastic too. Thereā€™s even some parallax at times, which looks super cool for what is basically a isometric game with textures for models. Not even PoE had that! Iā€™ve noticed that it has an editor (i think this is basically the engine tbh) and i really want t play around with that. Bought for less than 5 euros on the Humble sales, lucky!

Oh, and iā€™m running with a high charisma, high intelligence Elf.


Lol, i found an admin terminal that asked for a password for special administrator actionsā€¦ i wrote admin just to see if it worked and it did! Metahumans are still very bad at passwords.


Xeodrifter is an indie homage to Mega Man and Super Metroid. Instead of unlocking new weapons, you can customize your blaster in fiver different categories. Iā€™ve maxed out damage and fire rate and Iā€™m probably not that far off from the final boss.


I thought Out There: Ī© Edition would be a FTL: Faster Than Light clone, but itā€™s actually quite different. You collect chemical elements (e.g. Fe, O, He) by probing and drilling planets. Most are converted into the essential resources Fuel, Oxygen and Hull. You also need to repair and craft new equipment. The biggest constraint is that you have very limited space on your space craft. I have discovered awesome new facilities, but giving up a cargo hold is not always a good trade-off.


I beat Witcher 2 last week. Didnā€™t realize it was ending until the Epilogue chapter came up and I was like, oh. ok.

Didnā€™t kill Letho


Playing Destiny: The Taken King

After 1 hour of sleep, I played from 2am to 12am the next day on launch.

Loving it, seriously am effectively addicted right now.


have you played 3 yet? you get to meet Letho and i really liked his little story, dude is fucking buff as hell and i really like his character


No, Iā€™ll probably grab it come the next holiday sale. Maybe Halloween?

Dude has a badass voice actor, too.

So if you fight him at the end of 2, do you kill him? Or does he survive no matter what?


i let him goā€¦ i think you kill him but iā€™m not sure


real bros never kill letho and always have rocheā€™s back


I sided with Iraleth at that first battle, but then I reunited with Roche and everything was great. They have a good bromance.


Picked up Shadow of Mordor last night (GOTY edition, $20). Only got to play for like an hour, maybe less. So far it looks just like what Iā€™ve heard. Equal parts Batman and Assassins Creed. Nothing new, just a blend of the best each had to offer. Unfortunately neither had much to offer in terms of story. The intro was wrapped up so quickly I didnā€™t even have time to learn my wifeā€™s name. Oh well, what do I care? Iā€™m a badass wraith ninja. Killed two random captains, that was cool.

Going from Witcher 2 to this, the combat is WAY easier, even at the start of the game. I might turn up the difficulty, but then again I like feeling really powerful. RUN FROM ME, WORMS. FLEEEEEE

Is there a way to turn up the FOV? Or be able to zoom out more? Everything looks so blown up on my 27"


shovel knight plague of shadows

its like a whole new game, for free~


Donā€™t worry, @LabouredSubterfuge. I got you, bae

I think for some reason my game was set to 1080p and not 1440p when I took these shots, but Iā€™ve since then remedied that error.

Also this guy has a flaming hat. I want a flaming hat!


Itā€™s like Soma almost encourages you to get caught by monsters, as the gameā€™s pretty incredible when youā€™re being actively tracked down by something that knows youā€™re there. Sound design and visual design have been impeccable so far.


I watched Giant Bomb play Soma. It looks interesting. I might play it. Later on it gets really bizarre. Think Bioshock, but without any guns or fighting.


Iā€™m watching Keplep go through the game on his youtube page. The production values are really impressive, looks like things are going well for Frictional!


what the f why is valkyria chronicles 20 gigs??


It was released on a system with 25 GB discs. If you have space available then you might save valuable CPU resources by not compressing assets.