Real Fútbol


So true


Bad night for London clubs.


It’s funny, but also pretty embarrassing


Fucking Valencia. Playing the world onside


The Caligiuri giveth and the Caligiuri taketh away.


Young needs to solve the Syrian crisis in order to start ahead of Memphis.


God that ref can fuck off and die


Fellaini legit told the ref to “fuck off” haha.

I’m switching to the Dortmund game.


Wheyyyy we’re shit. What a time to be alive.


Bayern fans are gonna get chucked out for making noise in the library


Fuck me dead what a save


So Bayern are human after all


Big one tonight lads


Ahahahah Chelsea


Far too easy for Bayern.


This is brutal, and I’m loving it.


Robben says hi.


100% jesus


Yeah he’s alright
