

I honestly don’t know, I don’t think so though.


Looks nice, brah


Nice work done.


Sorry for posting such samey pics all the time


No complains here (MORE DOG PICS)




I need a camera bag that could double as a general-purpose messenger bag. Any recommendations?


Are you looking to carry a DSLR? Because bags to that end are usually rather expensive, and often single purpose. That said, you could look over these articles and try to find something to your liking, they don’t always have bags on display, but you’ll probably find something that fits your desired specifics.


Yep. It’s for a Canon EOS 500D with two lenses.


A store in Amsterdam. If you’re looking for a video game related item that you think has probably fallen off the face of the earth there’s a good chance you can find it in here, and functional.


Love it.


Das, that is awesome.


Phone snaps


It’s that time to upgrade camera gear.


Still deciding!


what about twin lens?


I’m looking at the Fuji X100T, Ricoh GR, and X Pro 1.


oh, lol

the xpro 2 can’t be too far away i imagine


@John I did it. Ricoh GR and VF should be arriving tomorrow :+1: