Hearthstone thread of stoning hearths



I was kind of thinking they would put in her sister, Sylvannus Windrunner. Y’know, the one anyone actually cares about?


I tried Tavern Brawl and earned myself a pack. The current decks are broken and unbalanced, but I like the general idea of the mode.



2 Maiden of the Lake in play at the same time would be quite powerful.


Two Maiden of Lake, one Coldarra Drake, mage hero: you win?


The abilities should stack, right? That also means infinite armor with the warrior. Since you can’t interrupt the opponent’s turn I hope the game will just collapse all the events into a mega-combo animation.


Why two Maiden of Lake?


I’m almost 100% sure that that card read “costs (1) less” earlier today.


Heh. Just a static effect. :slight_smile:


What’s this “inspire” mechanic?





Nuclear deterrence doesn’t work.


Anyone still playing this? I didn’t pick up the last expansion.



I’ve not been playing it. Looks popular enough still.


I like the new Merloc cards. That being said, I would rather play Magic if I’m in the mood for card games.
