

Server issues.

Servers that people pay a lot of money for.


Any impressions from Das? It has already dropped in price by 20%.


I don’t know. I usually wait till console games hit the bargain bin.


I thought you made an exception for racing games.


Just GT baby.


i can’t even download the demo because of server issues? shouldn’t that be hosted on sony’s servers or something?
i don’t even see the option in the PStore, just the full game.


They postponed the free PS+ edition a few days so it wouldn’t disturb the launch for the paying customers.


Weather update coming tomorrow.





It’s almost down to half price. Tempting.


The king (PGR 4) is finally dethroned when it comes to weather effects.



Dat water inertia.

I would honestly be falling off the road more in this game than fucking mario kart because I’ll be distracted by all the special effects.



REDLINE Expansion Pack Preview

This is your first look at the new cars coming to #DRIVECLUB in the REDLINE Expansion pack, which will be available to download from PlayStationÂŽStore on December 17 in Europe/AU/NZ & December 23 in America.

This pack is also part of the Season Pass and features all 5 cars shown in this video, plus a new Tour serving up 11 new events & 5 extra Trophies to compete for.


The Porsche license being exclusive to EA is a waste of historical proportions. What a fucking waste.




Well, it’s down to €20. Bought!


It’s not bad at all. You guys should pick it up so we can create a club!